Flo & Frankie

Tailor Inc. and Flo & Frankie work harmoniously together, creating spaces and places that are authentic and unique for the people they care about the most, the customer.  With both businesses driven by a desire to deliver excellence, it was an instinctive partnership of like-minded creators and designers when constructing Flo & Frankie’s new store at Sylvia Park, New Zealand’s largest shopping centre.

“Flo & Frankie has always had a very clear brand direction, so we wanted to maintain this strong foundation whilst keeping in mind that our client likes each of their stores to be unique and with its own quirks and character,” says Tailor Inc.’s lead senior designer, Nicky Wood.

“Tailor Inc. supported the bespoke design already in place by the Flo & Frankie team by facilitating the process of completing structural details of the storefront for Sylvia Park.  Working with a very passionate client provided a unified partnership throughout this journey and practice we enjoyed”.

Flo & Frankie’s Sylvia Park store is one of the biggest in their portfolio spanning two retail spaces. Careful consideration by the Flo & Frankie team was required through the spatial design process, ensuring that the two tenancies read as one cohesive store.

Working closely with the client and understanding their motivation to provide an environment that communicated boutique but unique, offered Tailor Inc. an insight into their desire to be one of New Zealand’s leading fashion brands. 


“Engaging Tailor Inc. to assist with the preparation, engineering approvals and costings for the Flo & Frankie store at Sylvia Park has been a valuable journey for the team at Flo & Frankie, says co-owner Chrissy Conyngham. “Their understanding of the retail environment when submitting architectural drawings and structural detail ensured mall approvals were met and approved offering a seamless journey when we delivered our store within the Flo & Frankie brand.”

“We would not hesitate to recommend Tailor Inc. as an integral partner within the retail environment.”

Chrissy Conyngham 

Co-Owner Flo & Frankie

Tailor Inc. – Design – Delivered. 

Where Luxury Meets Flexibility


Bendon - Creators + Curators